About Kingdom Tech
Tech solutions for everyone! Free of charge for and by followers of Jesus. The currency that matter is souls into heaven and lives transformed.
If the church is to succeed, it has to work together as a whole. The people behind Kingdom Tech has a background from multiple different churches in Oslo, Norway. We don’t want to limit our work to one denomination, rather we want to promote sound and healthy teaching from the Bible and good communities.
We see that most churches and especially small communities have a need of good tech solutions. By making solutions that fit many and by making it available free of charge, we may be able to help reach many people that would have fallen out of faith or maybe would never consider seeking God in the first place.
To make this organization grow and to enable us to offer more services, we are dependent on finding people or organizations who share our vision and want to contribute financially.
We also, like any other organization, need some money to pay our staff and operate. Our dream is to make this a thriving organization that can afford to pay our workers a fair salary and not be too dependent on free labor, even though we appreciate all the volunteers that can and want to work for free. If you aren’t a monthly giver, but think our cause is something worth supporting we hope you want to take the time and effort to sign up so we can make this a reality.
The People
We are always looking for more talents and people to join this good cause. Here you can see the people working at Kingdom Tech at the moment.
Håkon Holhjem
CEO and developer
Herman Frantzen